Nancye Diana Bell Smith




Name/Email Address: Diana Bell Smith/ smithdiana1 at hotmail dot com.

Marital Status/Spouse’s Name: Married 43 years in June/ Glenn Smith.

Children/Grandchildren: Michael and David/ Ellis, Michael’s son (2) and Kylie, David’s daughter (3).

Occupation: School Librarian.

College/Professional Training: University of South Carolina/ BS in Education and Library Science; MLS in Library and Informational Science, plus other courses

Military Service(Details, Combat Tour?): none

Own Business? (Name, Website): no

Hobbies/Interests: Reading, Gardening, Cooking and Traveling

Published a Book? (Name): no

Favorite Books/Authors: Where the Wild Things Are and To Kill a Mockingbird/  James Patterson, Jeffery Deavers, Steve Berry, Patricia Cornwell, Kathy Reichs, Jayne Anne Krenz, Catherine Marshall, etc.

Favorite Songs/Musicians: 60’s & 70’s, Country, Classics, most anything with a tune

Favorite Movies: Brian’s Song (original version, 60’s) Silence of the Lambs, ET, Indiana Jones….

Best Vacation Ever: Trip to the National Parks in California, Utah, Colorado, Nevada

Favorite Memory of High School: Not favorite memory, but most memorable - It was Senior Lunch Break  and we heard that John Kennedy had been shot and killed.  Every detail and feeling is still etched into my memory.

Proudest Moments of My Life: Birth of my sons.

Things I Would Like My Classmates to Know: Our class was large and sometimes I forget a name or a face; but in all, each person helped to make me the person I am today.  Thank you!