Donald K. Parker
Name/Email Address: Donald K. Parker/ brendaparker at comporium dot net
Marital Status/Spouse’s Name: Happily married for 30 years to Brenda
Children/Grandchildren: One son- Greg/ two grandchildren, Brooke and Brandon
Occupation: Retired
College/Professional Training: BS in Pastoral Theology and Masters Degree in Christian Education from Hyles- Anderson Bible College
Military Service(Details, Combat Tour?):
Own Business? (Name, Website): No
Hobbies/Interests: Horseback riding, hunting, fishing, Rottweilers
Published a Book? (Name): No
Favorite Books/Authors: The Bible
Favorite Songs/Musicians: How Great Thou Art, All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name
Favorite Movies: Westerns and Gangster movies
Best Vacation Ever: Eureka Springs, Arkansas
Favorite Memory of High School: Messing around in class
Proudest Moments of My Life: December 1, 1971: I personally accepted the living Christ into my life and was saved eternally
Things I Would Like My Classmates to Know: You can be married and really happy (30 years)
Material possessions are nice but will never give you lasting joy; only Christ can do that
My hair is still dark brown, the color it was in High School, ha!
The Lord Jesus Christ is truly alive and salvation involves a real personal, life-changing experience with Him. No one showed me this until I was 25 years old.
Don and "Apache"
Brenda, "Sugar", "Dandy", and Don